My Thoughts On Having Twins


When I found out I was pregnant, never in a million years did I think it would be twins, despite my mother in law insisting it could be. From the moment I found out I had so many things racing through my mind...

  • How would I cope?

  • Will they fit in with my life?

  • Where would we live?

  • How will I afford 2 babies in one go?

But as silly as it sounds some of the main things that concerned me the most was..

  • Would I lose friends?

  • How will I get out and about with 3 children?

  • Will I get in the way?

  • How will I split my time between my children?

I think I found the early days the easiest, when they did nothing but sleep. It was manageable getting them into the car or pushing them around in the pushchair (albeit one the size of a mini). It wasn't until they got to around 2 that I started to struggle. With having an older child as well who was about to start school my whole equilibrium was about to change.

Its literally the simple things like walking to school in the morning and being too occupied with my twins to engage in an adult conversation, not being able to walk side by side with someone on the pavement because your mammoth pushchair takes up too much room, missing out on the daily gossip because one twin wants to hold your hand-whilst the other once is the new “Mo Farrah” running laps around the playground. While these sound like really trivial matters to most, it was these small that started to niggle me.

I think the saying “you don’t know what its like, until you have twins” is quite apt, I am not saying that just because I have two babies to your one makes my life any harder. But, what I am saying is that it does become slightly more challenging. Sometimes I’m not even sure if I am doing my job properly because I don’t feel like I can give 2 children who are at exactly the same point in their lives the attention that they deserve. But, then equally I was worried I wasn’t giving my eldest the attention he deserves.

Now they are over 3 I wouldn’t say it’s getting easier, I would say either I am adapting or it is becoming different. There are still days when I literally just want to go back to bed the minute I get up because I can already hear them arguing over something silly, for example “she’s, my mummy not your mummy” or “I am mummy’s baby not you!” but unfortunately having a school run to do means I can’t do that! In all seriousness though they are more manageable now they are going to preschool as I think they have finally found themselves and they each have their own independence but still have the comfort of being their together. Most days now are fun and they are really good company, sometimes I think taking a step back is the best as you can really appreciate them for who they are.

Some days there are things that I struggle with, but to be honest, each day is what you make it. As long as you have a positive mindset and roll with the punches you are pretty much sorted. So, if at the moment you are finding yourself in the whirlwind that are either twins going through the terrible twos, or a clingy phase or just generally being a bit of a pain. I promise you IT DOES GET BETTER! Hang on it there… because YOU GOT THIS MAMA!

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