family life with twins

Reasons Why I Have Mum GUILT!

Reasons Why I Have Mum GUILT!

I never really thought I would suffer with Mum guilt.

In fact for the first year or so after my son was born, I don't think I ever felt it. It wasn't really until he turned 2 that I started to worry about things more. Silly things like:

  • Is he getting enough one to one attention (was I mad, of course he was!)

  • Would he be behind at school because I wasn’t taking him to enough baby classes?

My Thoughts On Having Twins

My Thoughts On Having Twins

…I think the saying “you don’t know what its like, until you have twins” is quite apt, I am not saying that just because I have two babies to your one makes my life any harder. But, what I am saying is that it does become slightly more challenging. Sometimes I’m not even sure if I am doing my job properly because I don’t feel like I can give 2 children who are at exactly the same point in their lives the attention that they deserve. But, then equally I was worried I wasn’t giving my eldest the attention he deserves.