How is everyone finding the home schooling?
I can’t even remember what week we are on now (is that bad). I’m taking it as a sign we are all enjoying it so much!
What have been your best activities so far? We have had quite a few that we have enjoyed including;
Using hopscotch for counting in multiples of five
Drawing a 10 square with chalk outside
Using our toy cars and making real life picograms and bar charts
Word searches for different letter sounds
Weighing and measuring ingredients during baking
We have tended to do a lot of practical activities and those listed are only a small snippet of what we have done since being at home. I find that with William he likes to do things hands on, he hates sitting and writing in his book as I’m sure a lot of other children do.
It’s harder to home school the twins as they are too young to really appreciate what’s going on. I have bee trying to include them in some of the things we have done but, usually after 5 minutes they have run off to play Frozen.
The activity William seems to of enjoyed the most is actually a task that a friend had done with her son. It involves giving them a letter sound such as “a-e”, “er” or “ir” and then getting them to look around the house for objects that contain those sounds (this is also great for when you want a cuppa and biscuit!). We then wrote down all of the items that he had found and highlighted the sound and thought about other objects that we might not be able to find in the house. It’s something that is so simple yet to a child it’s the best game ever.
We have also been practising handwriting by writing cards and letters to family and friends, as well as making posters for the house.
What has been your best activity so far? Please feel free to share in the comments below. I hope you have been able to take something away from this post, even if it helps a little.