Why Shop With Hummingbird?


Why shop with Hummingbird?

Most people, myself included take to the high street when they want clothing for their twins.. gauge a range of prices and then eventually settle on something and shop online..

But what are YOUR reasons to shop with the brands that you choose?

Sure you can go into some well known supermarkets and pick up a range of t-shirts or tops for £3 each and for under £20 you have kitted out your whole family in matching attire!

But, what you might not of thought about is;

1 - They might be £3 but how long do they actually last?
2 - Are they going to be unique to you, or are you going to see your next door neighbours in the same clothes next week?
3 - Is there a story behind the brand?
4 - Do your clothing choices say something about yourself?
5 - How are they actually made?

At Hummingbird by Victoria, our clothes are always made by a busy mum of three (including twins) plus a 34 year old man child!! They are made and created individually for everyone! No two items are ever the same (unlike the high street). Any money that's spent with Hummingbird is poured back into the business, in order to make it bigger and better for YOU the customer.

There's no greedy head honcho rubbing his palms together, there's no middle man, no huge marketing budget. Just a modest mum doing what she loves best. Creating bespoke unique items for families who are in exactly the same position.

Hummingbird was created to provide a service for all multiples and their families.

- Have you ever gone into a shop and had in your head exactly what you want and not been able to find it?
- Have you ever needed to buy two different sizes because your twins aren't completely the same (even though everyone assumes they should be exactly clones of each other) only to find that they don't have them and the shop assistant can't tell you if they ever will?

If your answer is yes to the above, then you haven't discovered Hummingbird yet! All items are made to order, so you can have it exactly how YOU want!